Find links below to each of Songs of Forgiveness posts of 2023. These are organized with most recent posts at the top and at the very bottom is the Table of Contents of 2022. This post marks the 13th full moon since then.
My posting conventions changed over the course of this last year. After my mom, the impetus for starting this publication, died on March 23, 2023. I examined my posting conventions and experimented with various changes. It took some months of emptiness and experimentation. It took some traveling, family reunions, and trials, before finally settling into something that felt sustainable in September of 2023.
Nothing changed as far as publishing cadence, still focusing on the moon’s primary phases, but now as each phase rolls around again, there is some regularity of topic. The pattern allows you, my valued reader, to know what to expect, and the pattern will give me a foundation for my work — limits make the work easier. I expect things will continue to change and morph as I write, just as water erodes the bedrock beneath it, but I will keep the changes as transparent as I can.
New Moon posts will stick to purposeful living and motivation.
First Quarter Moon (see September 22, 2023) is open for me to explore creativity, do what I want, it is for Owl and the things of the night.
and Full Moon is for teasers of longer essays on forgiveness. Essays that deal with generational wealth and trauma and undoing our collective karma. Not whole essays, but the good stuff. More often than not, this will be paid only content.
Third Quarter Moon is a link post. These link posts will share the things that I am reading with descriptions of what you may find there and how they impacted me. I am a voracious reader that keeps up with what is going on in Minneapolis and national politics with wide ranging interests from Tibetan Buddhism, intergenerational trauma, history and spirituality. I curate some collected resources each month.
This all spirals like a cyclone through time, mixing together and becoming a blur of things that I am keeping a bit separate but really are totally connected.
Sometimes when I sit down to write, like today (I wrote this on Tuesday September 26, 2023), I get confused, wanting to talk about emotions like anger and fear but does that belong on Owl’s day, the first quarter Moon or does that belong on the long essay? This is what I’m continually practicing, the pacing and process as we all winds our way around time.
I have done my best to describe posts so that I can go back and revisit things that show up again in this ever revolving dance I do as we make time. Some posts have new titles altogether as I reposted and highlighted their content.
To find posts that feature my mom’s, Carol Lee Baudler, friendly and straightforward voice, check out the tab in the home page called In Her Words and find those posts collected in one location.
To find out more about Inner Troll Yoga School, check out that tab at the home page.
2023 Posts: most recent to oldest-
link post for Third Quarter Moon - Posted on 1/3/24. This technically happened into 2024, but putting the link here for now in order to fill out the lunation. Links and reading prompted by a conversation with a dear friend. A couple of links on Hama’s gender based violence and links to the regime in Iran. I first shared Elica LeBon here. Plus Masha Gesson and the nuanced situation around freedom of speech and anti-semitism and criticizing Israel. Finally a video of Judy Woodward’s report at the beginning of a election year - “America at a Crossroads” - “Hamas deep dive #1”
first quarter moon: artist Jim Denomie - Posted 12/19/23. Images from a trip to Mia with the fam. - “in honor of the dream-time”
new moon: gratitude - Posted on 12/12/23. Karlene’s help. Third Way Civics. A little more about my Humanities Legacy Grant Project, - “the darkest time of the year”
link post - Posted on 12/5/23. Wisdom from the wall from Augsburg’s Center for Wellness and Counseling, generational trauma, post from The Examined Family and Cindy Blackstock. Multiple detentions of reality and RuPaul. And more wolves. - “for Third Quarter Moon - some stuff from the Internet”
Full Moon: history repeats itself - Published on 11/27/23. Including map of the twin Cities with Dakota names by Marlena Myles, my account of the US Dakota War with link to the resources page. - “we have been in times like these before”
First Quarter Moon -Posted on 11/20/23. Barred owls call during noble silence with YouTube link to their sound. - “Dreams, chants, noble silence, woods and owls”
New Moon: begin again - Posted on 11/13/23 and set my intention. Link to mom’s obit and Clean water and legacy funding -“photos of hats and shoes and birds, talk of my intention”
Third Quarter Moon: link post -Posted on 11/5/23 while I was off visiting 4Ds. Including emptiness, Israel, history of anti-semitism in Minnesota, Minnesota history during the pandemic (ie AIM’s help), cornerstone video about North Minneapolis, Joanna Macy, video about Artist, Alzheimer’s Caregiver and Wife from PBS Newshour - “politics, Minnesota history, Israel, and videos”
Full Moon: ancestors and all -Posted on 10/27/23. My great Grandmother, anxiety, Brené Brown and Atlas of the Heart, magical realism, Pauline Boss, uncertainty and the study - “oh the places we'll go -- anxiety and intergenerational trauma”
First Quarter Moon: the Owl returns - Posted on 10/21/23. Post about the owl that visited the hood. Dream workshop with Chanti. Lone wolf image for dreaming. Notice for Walk Like a Buffalo, and Breath of Joy - “dream work, a poem, and more yoga poetry radio”
New Moon: satyagraha after all -Posted on 10/14/23. First post after the Hamas attack, really trying to understand satyagraha, Thomas L. Friedman’s opinion piece and quote about Netanyahu - “Everyone knows someone who knows someone in Israel”
Third Quarter Moon: link post - Posted on 10/6/23, Minneapolis City Council election heads up, Brené Brown, Dr. Johanna Macy-”An election, a book, a lobotomy”
Full Moon: understanding karma - This posted on 9/29/23 with discussion on Karma, link to Angulimala story and Tejaniya -"and its role in my writing”
First Quarter Moon: still in progress - this posted on 9/22/23 and I went back to moon phase in title. tea ceremony and grief quotes, this is where owl and things of the nighttime started showing the way - “musing on grief, a tea ceremony, and new moon meditation”
New Moon: Where to Begin - Posted on 9/14/23. Beginnings, moon stuff, impermanence, self-compassion, setting intentions, the rabbit hole of new beginnings insight, generational wealth and how you got it - “when you're working with complexity?”
link post: wolves, Barbie, and ancestors - my first link post posted on 9/6/23 and filled with wolf news, a story about my weird barbie players, link to Sebene’s class and thoughts on how you ask for money. Some final thoughts on what I do here. - “Third Quarter Moon Feature”
A Winding Collection of History - Posted for the Full Moon on August 30th. This meandering post included the parents divorce papers, some ancestral history, more of miss havisham, and continued with the different titling convention.
Cobwebs, Miss Havisham, Today and Next Week's Post - post for first quarter moon with notice of that going out in the byline posted on August 24. Consequences of the previous week’s post. Continuation of the experimentation with titling convention. Cleaning and leading to the sad Miss Haversham. Spider medicine.
Before and after: learning how to love (a house) again - posted on August 16th, this was my new moon posting with the notification of that going out in the byline. It was the first post in a change of titling conventions. A post about falling out of love with the house and ended on my in-laws moving into the neighborhood with a promise to continue.
August 8/Third Quarter Moon - Post from family camp about dream-time but also clock time. About the colonialization of time - “It takes as long as it takes.”
August 1/Full Moon - lost keys and how the objectives change on the way home - “On my way home”
July 25/First Quarter Moon - with my sisters in Washington, seeing elk, elk medicine - “Work in Progress/A Practice of Staying Connected”
July 17/New Moon - more traveling with template - “Pilgrimage West - letter from the road #2”
July 9/Third Quarter Moon - for this post and subsequent traveling post I created a template to share my travels from the road with stop gap measures in case I didn’t have internet access - “Pilgrimage West - letter from the road #1”
Journal November 29th - December 12, 1993 -Posted on July 3, 2023 - for the Full Moon in the section “In Her Words” - this is a transcription of Mom’s writing from her travels as a tour guide for the Nature Conservancy in 1993.
June 26/First Quarter Moon - “On intentions and conventions, trip preparations, boredom and dream yoga.”
Summer Solstice Gift to My Paid Subscribers - 4th of 4 installments of the Solar Worksheets.
June 17/New moon -Returning from the boundary waters trip, mapping out the new moon, Endless search section for Mark Nepo, update on Death-cleaning. - no byline
June 10/Third Quarter Moon -update on the Cruise Journal with Preliminary Notes, Anderson Cooper’s podcast with notes of The Heart of a Dog, paperwork and death-cleaning with Langston Houghs poem Dream Deferred - “Mom's words/Laurie Anderson/Death-cleaning”
June 4/Full Moon - Primer on Forgiveness Practice, first reference to Dream Yoga, photo from Kara Norman’s about assumptions of my progress, getting ready for travel, KW unsubscribed. - “Forgiveness Practice/Dream Yoga/Setting Expectations”
May 27/First Quarter Moon - my primer of setting intentions, first time mentioning death cleaning, getting ready for summer, added paywall on 6/5/23 - “More on Setting Intentions/Swedish Death Cleaning/Summer of Travel”
New Moon Post - the one that was a day late. Made this one paid after about a week. Lost 2 subscribers almost immediately after publishing. - “Yesterday at about 4 pm the moon was new.”
May 12/Third Quarter Moon - photos of our walk in the Roberts Bird Sanctuary with Bird Song App. - without the capacity to do more. - “more photos”
May 5/Full Moon - Includes the text of our speech at the funeral, photo by Greg, link to the fellowship, link to the story of Cloud Man Village, link to the original promise of more journal sharing - “By request, our eulogy full of Mom's own words.”
April 27/First Quarter Moon - Bill’s Spotify Release of Music from the road - “the music post, featuring Bill's new releases and mom’s Spotify playlist”
April 20/New Moon - description of my experience with the process of Proprioceptive Writing - “Urban wildlife, my writing practice, and moon series”
April 13/Third Quarter Moon - description of the effects of cyclic hyperventilation and it’s effects on me, link to the practice on Yoga Poetry Radio and behind a paywall photo essay from Israel - “about my breath practice and a photo essay for paid subscribers”
April 5/Full Moon - posting from Israel. Photo of the wedding. How we are all traveling and not blaming ourselves for feeling free. Sharing my post about the Huberman Podcast about Grief. - “Time for Forgiveness”
March 28/First Quarter Moon - announcement of mom’s death. The skies alive with her energy. Inclusion of her memoir title of “My Heart is Eloquent.” - “Mom is flying free.”
March 21/New Moon -Second mention of 10% slower, time-line spelled out, life can include death. - “The terminal waiting of 10% slower.”
Spring Equinox Gift to My Paid Subscribers - - “Third installment in a year’s worth of journal pages.”
March 15/Third Quarter Moon - Andrew Wyeth painting, photos from awe walks, notes from writing class. Reference to my “Writes” - “Whale Medicine - seeking our origins.”
March 7/Full Moon - Horse Medicine and photos for the Black, Yellow, Red, and White Stallion. Photo of Mom with the Statue of Responsibility. Photo of Mom hooting with Grandkids. Finally quote of the “dream walker” and making a timeline for Mom. - no by line
February 27/First Quarter Moon - 10% slower introduced, mom never wants to leave a party, what we are telling her, mom’s dreams and Kara’s - “Going 10% Slower. Mom and Time and the Phases of the Moon.”
February 20/New Moon - at Mom’s being put on FOCUS statice by hospice. Photos from ski weekend. - “Mom Update.”
February 13/Third Quarter Moon - Photos of the Christine Center, link to the Table of Content for 2022, my Dad Joke - “Metaphors for Practice: planes, trains and barges.”
February 5/Full Moon - seeing the greed that came with my anxiety and worry, pictures of puppy and sleeplessness. Prose Poem - “The full moon came with an insight, pictures of Puppy, and an ancient, unfinished poem.”
January 28/First Quarter Moon - Reflection upon the past year of writing posts, with links and photo of me with Big Ben.
January 21/New Moon - Letter that was scheduled to post as I was at the Christine Center on Retreat. General instructions for practice and a link to the moon meditations. - “Employing Prairie Dog Medicine for the cold moons of the year.”
Special Post to Celebrate MLK Day - links from Heschel, Nhat Hanh, and PBS. Discussion of the MLK 11.12.61 Documentary. Story of mom’s first job. - “Here are resources and readings for this important national holiday.”
January 14 🌗 - Photo essay of Milwaukee - “Halfway to the New Moon and photos of Milwaukee.”
January 6 🌕 - the dimension of time, what forgiveness is, 2022 table of content link, questions for the new year and the cards at Sara’s birthday, reflection for the month of January - “First post of the new year.”
Annotated Table of Contents - published on the first Full Moon of 2023, it lists all the written posts of 2022.