The moon was new at 4:15 am this morning while I slept. Coming home after a lunation of great mystery. I’ll tell you more about that in the next paragraph. For now I am prompted to wonder, does the year of lunations end here or next new moon which will be well into January? I began Songs of Forgiveness with my first note that went out on January 2 of 2022. That first one was about Hannah Arendt and forgiveness.
Now I wonder, without the clean manipulations of numbers laid out upon a grid, how do you mark when you have come full circle? It turns out this wheel of wheels is more like a spiral. I am reminded of the metaphor of climbing to the peak of a mountain, circling as you rise ever higher, never coming back to the spot you were before, only arriving just above it with ever greater views of the places you have been before.
The solstice came and went. I think I have another work sheet to share with paid subscribers, expect it in your inbox soon after I discuss this with my Slideshow Sisters. In any case, the longest night of the year arrived with my sister Becka and her family along with the bitter cold and busy busy times of gathering together and rejoicing, which I do hope is true for you as well.
I have picked Raven from my Medicine Deck three out of the four weeks of this past lunation and today I am more about coming home with that idea rather than beginning a new journey. In my current life, I am a part of one very important healing circle and I consider there to be many more happening on many levels all around me. Below is the part Raven Medicine that resonated the most:
In any healing circle, Raven is present. Raven guides the magic of healing and the change in consciousness that will bring about a new reality and dispel “dis-ease” or illness. Raven brings in the new state of wellness from the Void of Great Mystery and the field of plenty.
Raven also is the one to deliver messages, from the ancients, from the spirts, from the unknown, between the change and the world that we perceive. And as such I want to honor that process. The sending and receiving and that time of the in-between. I am so grateful to all of you who are constantly on the receiving end of these missives that actually belong to you. Raven is what is in between somewhere. The mystery from which the words come and the mystery to where they will go. How far, to what heart, and to what end. I cannot help but think of my mom here in this space and the place where this all began, with the thought of taking action and that it all depends on our faculty to forgive. The trust in that, the hope in that, circling endlessly with ever higher views.
Much love, Tina.
Update: It is my intention to keep sharing the post below where I have gathered all the moon practices together with each new moon and update the moon dates for the following lunation. I forgot this time, so I am updating after the fact and we will try again next month.
I have always had a thing for blackbirds because Ravens figure prominently in Norse tradition. First off as Odin’s birds, Huginn and Muninn - they flew out in the morning and returned in the evening reporting back to Odin. Also they are often believed to be - “As creatures of the air, ravens are linked to the realm of thought, intellect, intention and the life-force which carries the seed-patterns of destiny.
In the Norse myths and legends there is a great affinity with death and rebirth, not just physical death at the end of life, but the times when we gather together our courage to traverse a gateway in our lives. The bravery to embrace that which is not yet born, to find a way, and to allow something within us to die away so we may expand.”