Formerly titled May 27/First Quarter Moon.
What kind of intentions can you bring into your life to help you guide your daily actions and decisions?
Setting intentions is a process oriented approach to growing. A recognition that realistic change is gradual and with a workable intention you are building capacity, via daily practice, of not only whatever you have chosen to develop, but faith in yourself as you notice slow and steady progress.
What skills, attitudes, strength, systems, instincts, knowledge do you need in order to reach that ideal you have? With the lens of an intention, how will you respond to what is coming up?
To set your intention follow these instructions:
Start with the idea of how you want to grow. Which direction do you want to move? Choose something small and manageable to bring into your awareness. Perhaps you want to cultivate curiosity for non-judgement, or gratitude for more happiness. Perhaps you want to stand up each hour and stretch. Whatever it is, make it workable.
The second and middle step is practice. Bring the intention into your life. You can start right away with your imagination. Imagine the things you have planned in your upcoming day or even week. What does it look like when you do those things with your intention in mind? When do you imagine keeping your intention will be difficult? Spend some time on imagining how that will go with your intention in mind. You are bound to forget sometimes, how will you start over when you do? Now, go out into regular life with a firm footing from using your imagination. In real life, you will be negotiating between what is coming up and how you respond. You can learn a lot from this practice when you are kind and generous with yourself and you allow yourself the flexibility to adjust as necessary.
Make note of accomplishments. It helps to build momentum when you take the time to celebrate the small wins. Sometimes the practice includes not practicing. The times you remember to practice is cause for a celebration.
You can approach even the smallest things in your life with a sense of purpose. Intentions can influence all your decisions, from spending money to making your bed. Focus on the things you can control, rather than what you can’t and begin each lunation on the right foot.