Welcome aboard this lunar train, dear new and old readers, I am so glad you are here. The following is meant to be a little introduction to me and how things happen around here.
Since beginning this publication on the first new moon of January 2022, I have made this my regular writing practice. As I sit to write with each primary phase, it makes this also my consistent moon practice. I deliver this Newsletter to you on the days that the moon reaches its primary phase. If you are a consistent reader, perhaps this publication is how you too mark the movement of the light of the moon. I am a believer that what is going on with each of us, is a reflection of what is being lived out by all of us. And I do my best here to start with the things that will take the world to a better place, our willingness to take action and our ability to forgive. Go to that first post to read more. The absolute truth is that we are all connected (vs. the relative truth of our separateness), and if there is one thing I can do for the betterment of all is to experience whatever comes with my heart open and nudge yours open as well. So that continues to be the intention here.
I made the case early on that using the moon’s time table was perfect for sharing about my mother because of the metaphoric connection between the moon and women. Here’s the post if you want to read. Somehow I felt I needed to justify my writing schedule. There has been a transformation since that post, I feel no need to justify the connection anymore, as it just doesn’t feel all that out there. And that bit of movement is a celebration. I really like that the writing lags a bit, as the true distance between the moon’s primary phases is more than 7 days, and using a structure that so naturally, incrementally, veers from the domination of the solar over us appeals to my inner troll. Which is the name I have given my yoga practice — Inner Troll Yoga School, because self-compassion is a lot tougher than you think it is. More of that will be forthcoming. See below for the things I offer now.
Yoga Poetry Radio
My current yoga offerings are through the podcast which I have returned to posting each week. They are small, easily-digestible, body-based practices that are listen only (no visuals). Put your earbuds in and try a couple out. My most recent share is a breath practice to reduce inflammation. This practice is good for a lot of things, as well as making you feel tingly and alive. I do it most days, and on days I forget, I pay for it later. It has become an essential part of feeling good for me. I post my podcasts on Wednesday, unless it’s competing with the writing schedule, then I will adjust as the moon takes precedence. I then link it and share it in my next newsletter. If you want to follow my feed through Spotify or Apple Podcasts, I invite you to do so and you will get notified of the episodes as soon as they post.
Watch Me Practice
I have been bringing my body of work over here to Substack, beginning with some favorite posts from the blog I began in 2008 after returning from The Big Sur Writer’s Conference, which Mom had gifted to me. This project is in process and those posts will only be for paid subscribers for the time being. Not sure where I will go once that’s done. One example is the great Patti Smith who has serialized stories on her substack. I have stuff in the closet that wants to come out, I just need to figure out how and with what time…
Fall Equinox is September 22
In June, during the moon cycle that coincided with summer solstice I took four weeks to do a series of moon meditation practices which are now behind a paywall (New Moon, First Quarter Moon, Full Moon, and Third Quarter Moon). As I did last time, I will post them first for free and then put them behind a pay wall after 7 days. This series will begin on Fall Equinox, when here in Minnesota night and day are of the same length and we are traveling northward on our orbit of the Sun. This happens September 22nd, right before the lunation begins again on the 25th.
Mom had an improvement for a few days last week. It coincided with all the love and well wishes you sent our way. She got out of bed and was talking some and seemed relaxed and happy for a couple of days. She even used the bathroom by herself and was back to exploring her space a little more. She has returned to her bed, but it was so nice to get a little taste of that. It is proof that we are all connected.
As always, please reach out with questions of any sort. You can reply to this email, leave a comment, or try through other social media (I’m pretty infrequent over there. I love to hear from you. More soon.
Much love, Tina