This week and next I’m going to be releasing more podcasts then my promised one per week because I am not going to hold myself to that schedule while I am gone. The rest will be released quietly without an email until next Monday. I will write more about my travel plans later this week. I do plan to take my microphone and laptop with me so I always have the option to upload as I go.
Please reach out to me if you are having any trouble with these practices. It will help me grow this into something really useful. Likewise tell me if you have any requests or want to make any corrections. I am super open to feedback.
The parenthetical information I include with the titles is to give you some sense of what the practice entails. Floor means that the routine is mostly down on the mat, chair and standing is a likewise description. My intention is to make these practices accessible in lots of different spaces for different uses.
Here are links to today’s practices:
Yoga for Squirrel Medicine: this is what I need as I get ready for my trip. Take the time to pause in preparing and let the mind rest.
Balance Practice: because there was no balancing in the squirrel practice I created a standing episode for balance. Some standing movement and balance.
Also if you know of anyone who may be interested in my work, the writing or the yoga, please share.