This post was formerly titled: June 4/Full Moon.
Here is a link to my primer on setting intentions for every time the new moon rolls around. Let awareness of intentions lead the way for the first couple weeks of a lunation and then, when the full moon comes, let it go.
See below for full instructions.
In my first post of 2023 (January 6/Full Moon) I defined forgiveness in the quote below. In this post, I tell you how to do it. But first and foremost, forgiveness is for one’s self.
Forgiveness … involves facing mistakes and wrongs and the feelings engendered therein. With forgiveness there is an acknowledgement of the wounds and an incorporation of that loss into your future, so the future can hold less of what caused that wound and more of your strength and resilience. Forgiveness is letting go of the outcomes that you held tight to that never transpired. It frees up the energy that gets tied up in blaming. It brings in more relaxation and ease. Forgiveness is a gift to yourself that makes taking action towards the world we want ever more possible.
How to use your attention for healing and forgiveness.
Get clear about what you desire at new moon, then when the full moon rolls around, give those intentions a reality check. Do the process outlined below:
Start with celebration. Notice any progress you have made. Notice recognition. Notice your earnest motivation. Celebrate the times when you lived into your intention.
And then make adjustments. Perhaps there are things that you thought possible at the beginning of the month, that no longer make sense?
Forgiveness is an action that has two parts. The first part examines reality, the transgression, the thing that didn’t turn out the way you wanted it to. Recognize the pain there.
Step two is the hardest part. Now step back and experience your attitude toward the pain. Is there resistance to it? What does resistance feel like?
When we bring attention to how much we don’t want things to be the way they are, we see tightness and constriction. When we witness this, it has a way of loosening. Somehow our anger or justification, our blindness, or whatever else it may take to hold reality at bay, melts a bit. When we bring our attention to it, we can’t help but let go a little. Then the pain washes through a little differently. It doesn’t go away. It is still hot and heavy, but it has changed, there’s a new lightness with it. There is more energy for ourselves and our own healing.
And that is forgiveness practice. It isn’t for the feint of heart. Some people fuse with the I don’t want it feeling and spend their life always getting shot with that second arrow of suffering.
Full moon time is also friend time. Gather with them and talk about the things that you are working to let go of. Listen to what they are releasing. The new world cannot be created by yourself.
Thank you for your practice of forgiveness. Happy full moon.