Songs of Forgiveness
Yoga Poetry Radio
Walk Like a Buffalo

Walk Like a Buffalo

10 minutes to honor prayer and abundance and getting outside

Put your earbuds in and take a walk. A pleasure walk. A self-compassion walk. We do this walk today, not just for ourselves but for all people. No need to get ready, this is a short, go as you are walk. Ideally go outside, but if the conditions are unsuitable for that, by all means, stay inside and walk in circles.

This podcast is a companion to my newsletter on loss and liberation called Songs of Forgiveness. I invite you to click through to the show notes and check out my writing. I post my letters with the phases of the moon and I invite you to subscribe and travel time along with me.


Songs of Forgiveness
Yoga Poetry Radio
Yoga with more heart than eyeball. These short mindful yoga sessions are listening only. Practices vary from walking meditation, to breathing practices, to seated and standing movement options, to the more esoteric and released in fits and starts. Feel-your-way in your own space at your own pace. This podcast is a companion to my newsletter on loss and liberation called Songs of Forgiveness. I invite you to click through to my newsletter at and read more of what I do. I post my letters with the phases of the moon and I invite you to subscribe and travel time with me.
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Appears in episode
Tina Laurel Lee