Songs of Forgiveness
Yoga Poetry Radio
yoga care for the feet (floor version)

yoga care for the feet (floor version)

Keep your feet juicy and flexible like a paw.

Welcome to Monday! I have created two versions of this care for your feet yoga class. The one I am sending here takes place on the floor with a yoga mat and includes down dog and warrior two, the other is a chair yoga version for those who do not want to get down on the floor. Find the chair version here.

I have watched both my grandma and my mom fall prey to bunions as they become more fearful on their feet the last couple years. Bunions are caused by hereditary factors, but can also be exacerbated by neglect and poor shoes and the gripping through the feet that comes from fear of falling. Yoga can help you stay connected to the earth and aware of the muscles that need to relax and the ones that need to be activated. Resources: Article by Doug Keller published on Yoga International.

These two feet classes are not as short as I intended them to be. I will get better at timing with some practice! Please reach out if you have questions or concerns.

Thanks for listening. More soon.

Much Love, Tina

Songs of Forgiveness
Yoga Poetry Radio
Yoga with more heart than eyeball. These short mindful yoga sessions are listening only. Practices vary from walking meditation, to breathing practices, to seated and standing movement options, to the more esoteric and released in fits and starts. Feel-your-way in your own space at your own pace. This podcast is a companion to my newsletter on loss and liberation called Songs of Forgiveness. I invite you to click through to my newsletter at and read more of what I do. I post my letters with the phases of the moon and I invite you to subscribe and travel time with me.
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Tina Laurel Lee